Renaming your App in Xcode

I just created an app with Xcode 4, PhoneGap 1.0, ChildBrowser, and local storage. That project  is a template, the basis for starting any other projects I do in the future. Luckily for me, Apple has already created step-by-step instructions on how to rename an app (in this case, my template app) so that I can save the original as a template and use the renamed version as the app to submit. Read the above to see how we’re supposed to rename apps in this way, for Xcode 3 and 4.

Code Signing Issues – Apple Tech Note

Apple must have written a gazillion tech notes on a variety of issues people have with their products. Here’s one I wished I had known about sooner to help me with my code signing blues. It has a sexy name, too: TN2250.

Check it out next time an error mentions anything about code signing.

Installing ChildBrowser into Xcode 4 with PhoneGap 1.0 (Mac OS X, Snow Leopard)

You’ll need the ChildBrowser plugin with PhoneGap in order to return to the app after clicking on an external link. A Done button will appear under the web page, allowing you to exit the web page and return to the app. Very convenient. I’ve had to search and experiment for two weeks before I could piece all the correct steps together. If you landed here early, you can do it all within an hour!

UPDATE 6/5/2012: For PhoneGap-Cordova 1.7.0, use these steps to install ChildBrowser:

UPDATE 3/21/2012: For PhoneGap-Cordova 1.5, use these steps to install ChildBrowser:


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Installing PhoneGap 1.0 into Xcode 4 (Mac OS X, Snow Leopard)

PhoneGap allows you to avoid learning Objective-C when making iPhone apps. With PhoneGap, you insert your HTML, CSS, and Javascript in the www/ folder and PhoneGap will make sure it shows up on the screen. (Disclaimer: I know very little Javascript. Much of what are downloaded from the web, then are modified by trial and error to suit my project. I have been a web developer for nearly 20 years.) I am going to assume you don’t know Javascript, and are only barely familiar with Xcode, the software necessary to compile iPhone apps for the App Store.

The Windows PC is my main computer, so I’ll assume you are barely familiar with the Mac interface (maybe you’re moving from the PC to the Mac just for building apps, like me). So I think you’ll find these steps easy to follow. At this time, there are no screen shots (sorry). I assume you already have Xcode 4 installed. I’m not going to go into provisional profiles here; I’m going to assume you will take care of that on your own.

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