Cordova PhoneGap 2.7.0 in Windows with Eclipse: Install to Release (updated 6/25/13)

I already have the major software installed on my Windows machine from my last Eclipse build, detailed in If this is your first time with Eclipse and PhoneGap, follow the link above and pay careful attention to the following setup sections:

Install Eclipse Juno IDE
Install Java JDK
Install ADT
Install the Android SDK
Android SDK Manager
Set up your PATH environment variables

The steps following will take up where these left off.
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What programming language should you learn if you want to make apps?

Newcomers ask this question a lot. I’ve posted my response to this under the link, “Which programming language should I learn to makeĀ apps?” I hope it helps to narrow down your choice of languages to start learning. I posted it here so I can point to it when I encounter the question in forum posts.